"Sign of the Wine"


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Small Group Discussion Questions for March 3 Sermon

“The Sign of the Wine”

Series:  “Signs of Life”
Text:  John 2:1-12

Icebreaker: Ask a few group members to share a funny wedding story.  It could be something that happened at their own wedding or one they attended.  Ask if anyone has a story about a wedding reception that ran out of food or drink.  If that happened, what was the mood surrounding that oversight?


  1. Read John 20:30-31. Review John’s purpose statement.  Why does he call the miracles “signs”?  Discuss this D.A. Carson definition, “Signs are significant displays of power that point beyond themselves to the deeper realities that we can perceive with eyes of faith.”
  2. Read John 2:1-3.  A Sign of Compassion. Why was Mary so worried that the wedding hosts had run out of wine?  What’s the spiritual parallel for us?  How does this miracle display the compassion of Jesus?
  3. Read John 2:4-5.  A Sign of Submission. What do you think Mary was expecting of Jesus when she told him there was no more wine?  What do you make of Jesus’ response to her (v.4)?  What does Jesus mean when he says, “My hour has not yet come” (see John 7:30; 8:20; 12:23; 13:1)?  How was Jesus showing submission to the Father’s plan and will?  In what kind of situation is it hardest for you to wait on and trust in the Father’s plan?
  4. Read John 2:6-9.  A Sign of Cleansing. John specifically points out that the jars Jesus chose were typically used for ceremonial washing.  Why is this significant?  If these jars of water represented Old Covenant cleansing, what did the wine represent (think Last Supper)?  Talk about how thankful we should be that we no longer live under the Old Covenant of cleansing rituals and sacrifices, but are fully cleansed and forgiven by the blood of Jesus!
  5. Read John 2:10-11.  A Sign of Glory. Who all knew this miracle had taken place?  How did this miracle reveal the glory of Jesus?  How did it prompt “belief” in the disciples?  Read II Corinthians 5:17 and 3:18. What do these verses tell us about Christ’s ability to transform us and make us reflections of his glory?  What does that do for your faith?
  6. Jesus didn’t just make wine like they had before.  He made the best wine, the choice wine.  What does that tell you about his love for you and his provision for you?


Action Steps:

  1. Respond to this sign of cleansing.  If you don’t already have this habit, take time each day this week to confess your sin, ask forgiveness, and seek the cleaning that Jesus offers.  Try to make daily confession a life habit!
  2. Faith-building exercise.  This miracle caused the disciples to “believe” in Jesus and it came about because Mary asked Him to help.  What do you need to ask Him for today?  Is shame or fear holding you back?  Step out in faith this week and make that request your daily prayer.  And trust that Jesus will not just answer, but will go above and beyond by creating the “choice wine.”

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